Monday, August 27, 2007

Beauty is Pain!

Today was the offical day of my mother's transformation! How exciting can this be? Well...very... Except one minor aspect... Damn the pain! lol... But I can almost relate! Key word here... ALMOST!!!

After a long day... work... straight to class... and than the hositpal... I saw the newly reinvented DIVA! Boy is she hilarious when on drugs... She was so happy and almost cried to see me... Telling me how much she appreciated that I came and didnt have too... But this is my mother.... Where else would I be....

Now I must say... the hosiptal was quite nice. Private rooms... your very own nurse and tech... tv... and free local calling... I didnt get to experience the food though... as the darn Cafe shuts down at 8pm... Isn't this when the party gets started!?!?!?!?

Back to the Diva at hand... Looking good.. for being in the hositpal. In and out of sleep... But I would be to if I had all these drugs pumping through my system. She did manage to stay awake to listen the Vick Story and how much he stands to lose $$$$ wise... Oh yea... and some story about fat people... how ironic... lol... But the time is now coming for the private nurse to come in and do what they do best... ANNOY THE SHIT OUT OF YOU ... you may ask how... THEY ARE GOING TO ATTEMPT TO MAKE THE DIVA MOVE OUT OF THE BED.. I can only imagine how this is going to go down... They better give some major pain medicine...

With a very supporting job... and some great dear friends... They helped even me overcome the fact that my mother was going to be in a 8+ hour surgery... And you never know what can happen... But I thank you all for your support and prays and phone calls! It has meant a great deal!

Anyways... This is only day 1... I shall be spending the rest of the week with my Diva mother at the Estate! Beauty is Pain and we have a ways to go!!!! BUT WE GOT MEDS!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

A moment for my Parents!

You all ways need to take a moment to say THANK YOU!

I just want to acknowledge my wonderful parents! My mom and dad have been the backbone in all of my endeavors. Positive motivators and very inspirational! Everyday is a life lesson and I continue to grow from their guidance. They have been dished so much over the years and taken in children that aren't even theirs! How can one not be grateful. Not only am I grateful but extremely fortunate. They have been a great support system! They have taken in my friends like they were their own and treated them with the utmost respect and love! I thank you again for all you do for me and each individual in bring forth! You both have effected people's lives in ways unspeakable!

I LOVE YOU BOTH and never in a moment do I take you for granted!

One can only do but so much!

When you put so much effort into one individual, when is enough ... enough! I love hard and unconditionally, and its very hard to let something go when you try and demonstrate that their is more to life then where you have been. I wanted so much to share a my friends, my life, and even more my family. Each and everyday, I exhaust myself trying to show the way of happiness. How can one not see? I give it my all and now I am tired. I want to share my life and be completely part of my better half that makes me complete. This is the person I want to love me and I can love too! No longer will I allow myself to become angry and miserable. No longer will I sit at home waiting him to come over and turn my girlfriends down. I will be free and independent! I will do me and be happy! I will enjoy my girlfriends who I have neglected! I will mix and mingle! I WILL HAVE FUN AND LIVE MY LIFE! We can still be friends and perhaps it will evolve again.... but I will not live a false hope! I do enjoy his company, and we still hang out. But their is more to life than what we have now. If your not ready for I want right now... than we need to make a change before I turn to resent you in ways unspeakable... Than their is no hope for anything.
I want to take the time and thank those who have affected my life in ways unspeakable. For you all have been the foundation in my life and continue to mold me into the person I am! I love you! I love my mom and my dad and my whole family!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Lately I have been extremely busy with people being in town and visiting, like a blast from the past reunion and all. So my time as been very limited going out with them and trying to incorporate working, fitness and the occasional sleeping factor. So thank goodness school is over with for the summer! But it has been like a mad house for me!

I am extremely grateful that my friendships are still on and poppin like time as not pasted by! Cause for the most it has been damn near 6 years since we have all seen each other! WOW!!!! And we all were best of friends. Luckily it still has remain that way and reminiscing about the past has been very interesting. Some things we all choose to forget!!! LOL ... But you know its hard too, cause the sh*t was actually hilarious.

Now we are all staying in touch whether its picking up the phone or via e-mail. The fact of the matter is, it is the effort we put into maintaining our friendships that mean more than words can imagine. We all live very hecked and stressful lives... I ain't mad but am VERY fortunate to hear whats going on in peoples lives in some fashion. We all are not big phone people and may really have nothing to say via the phone or e-mail except WHATS UP! So, we don't take it personally either way! I love my girls and we all understand... LIFE IS CRAZY!!! But, I mean at least we are doing something instead of nothing! And its received as a blessing!