There is always a time in life where you have to sit down and ponder about the things going on around you! I feel like I am a pretty open individual about my thoughts most of the time and other times I just don't feel like conflict or confrontation.
Its very difficult speaking to some people, when you realize that no matter what they still will only perceive things the way they see things regardless. So, perhaps I should try and break things down. I only want the best for all those in my life: Friends and Family alike!
So these are my thoughts towards life in general.
1. I don't like the feeling of being taken advantage of or any member in my family.
2.I feel like each person should contribute and in return good things are bound to happen.
3. One should always recognize when people are doing things out of the kindness of there heart. But also, recognize it may not always happen without a change in attitude and outlook!
4. Things are not always about you! I know its hard to believe... but true... And it isn't always about me either... DAMN... hate when I have say that.. lol
5. Believe... When someone is saying something.. perhaps their trying to tell you something you may not even recognize... you cant always see what people see... as an individual we keep our blinders up and want to think that what we see and feel is the only way... NOT TRUE... people are only trying to make someone else better if they truly care about you they will tell you character traits that have flaws... YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT ... BUT WE ALL HAVE FLAWS..
6. Be grateful... every one deserves something in life.. such as happiness... but it may not come from the areas where you would like or from the people you wish it would come from...
7. Make an effort... Offer to do things... don't just wait... when you see people doing things... offer to contribute on a regular bases... at least this demonstrates to one that you notice what is being offered... And somethings take the extra effort and switch the role completely. this exhibits the WOW FACTOR!!! Even I need should do this... lol... STILL LOVE YOU MOM!!!!
8. Watch your actions... Actions speak louder than words... Body language is a tell all... when you change that.. people know whats going on in your head...
9. Be passionate... Love yourself before you can love others... Love the things you do and what people do for you! AGAIN ITS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU OR ME FOR THAT MATTER! There is always someone else going to through a more difficult time!
10. Remember.. you are loved... don't take things personally... observe... listen... understand...